
☀️ How to Pick a Safe Sunscreen


☀️ How to Pick a Safe Sunscreen

One of the biggest questions that both I have received over the years is–What Sunscreen is Safe?!   On one hand, you want to manage the potential damage that the sun can cause from prolonged exposure.  But you also don’t want to harm your health with chemical-filled sunscreens that are supposed to protect you!Recently Stanford professor and podcaster, Andrew Huberman, PhD, recently said in an interview: “I am as scared of sunscreen as I am about melanoma. Some of the things in sunscreen are really spooky…I don’t like what I see in most sunscreens because when you look at the compounds,...

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What is the Difference Between Hydrating and Moisturizing?

What is the Difference Between Hydrating and Moisturizing?

Although you often hear people using the words 'hydrating' and 'moisturizing' interchangeably--you might be surprised to know that they are actually two different functions. And if your skin has a tendency to be dry--you will definitely want to use products for each purpose. Skincare products that are 'Hydrating' actually attract water to the outer layer of the skin. This is why it is important to apply hydrating products, like Hyaluronic Acid Serums to a face that is damp. The hydrating serums can bring the water to the skin.  On the other hand, products that are Moisturizing help to keep that...

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How Saunas Can Help Your Skin

How Saunas Can Help Your Skin

I have a (healthy) obsession with my sauna! And friends are always shocked when I share this, but did you know that using the sauna 4-7 times per week can reduce all-cause mortality by 40%, according to an article published by JAMA Internal Medicine. Although they are seen as a form of relaxation, sauna sessions mimic moderate aerobic cardio, which can have a big impact on your overall health. In fact–sauna use can lower your risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease and more. Not to mention, because of the Heat Shock Proteins, frequent use changes your endorphin system,...

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Do you go through Toner at Lightening Speed?

Do you go through Toner at Lightening Speed?

This week while I was doing my evening routine, I realized that I was out of my trusty cotton rounds (or maybe my teenagers swiped them from me!).Since you need one to apply the Toner, I stood there for a minute trying to figure out how to do this next step.So I simply put a couple pumps in the palms of my hands and pressed it into my face and let it dry. You wouldn't believe how far two little pumps went! So if you go through Toner at lightening speed (and many of you do!), try this!

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From Berkey to Reverse Osmosis Water

From Berkey to Reverse Osmosis Water

A few months ago, I received an email from Amazon notifying me that I had a refund for $180.83. Like everyone, I love an unexpected deposit into my bank account…but I started digging in a bit deeper to see why I was receiving this payment. As it turns out, it was a refund for the Berkey Water Filters that had been ordered just months prior. Although we never got the full story from Amazon, the best we can guess is that the seller was not, in fact, an authorized dealer and had gone to great lengths to deceive customers. (They...

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